lauantai 7. toukokuuta 2011


Työn tuottavuus on poliitikoille hankalasti ymmärrettävä aihe. Poliitikkojen arvostus työtä kohtaan juontaa juurensa oman työn arvostuksen kautta. Poliitikko, joka juoksee erilaisilla kissanristiäisillä ja täyttää kalenterinsa kuukausiksi eteenpäin, on hyödyllinen, tuottava ja aikaansaava. Tavallinen duunari, kuten meikäläinen, miettii asiaa juuri päin vastoin. Mitä paremmin hoidan työni, sen enemmän minulle jää vapaa-aikaa. Työyhteisö toimii sitä paremmin, mitä vähemmän se tekee tuottamatonta työtä. Tuottamaton työ on kaikenlainen sähköposteihin vastaaminen, jos organisaation tehtävä ei ole vastata sähköposteihin.

Prosessiajattelu on sitä, että asiat tietyllä tavalla automatisoidaan. Ei ole mielekästä kirjoittaa samaa vastausta tuhansille kysyjille, jos vastaus voidaan laittaa internettiin näkyville. Ei ole mielekästä kirjoittaa sama tilauslomake joka viikko uudestaan, jos tilauksen sisällössä ei mikään muutu. Ja niin edelleen. Hyvä työntekijä minimoi oman ajankäyttönsä ja räkii sitten vaikka selällään makaillen kattoon, jos asetetut tavoitteet on saavutettu. Toki pomo voi mennä itseensä ja miettiä, olivatko tavoitteet liian matalia vai työntekijä liian hyvä. Mutta vaatimus tupakkataukojen poistamiseksi on sairasta, koska se kuvaa, kuinka vääriä asioita esimiehet voivat mitata.

On sanonta, että sitä saa mitä mittaa. Jos halutaan mitata työpaikalla käytetyn ajan määrää, on luonnollista, että kaikki tauot ovat turhia. Jos halutaan mitata työn tuottavuutta, tupakkatauko ei ole oikea mittaamisen kohde. Harmikseni Ben Tschaikovski on juuri lausunut julki kellokorttiaikaan perustuvan ymmärryksensä (Iltalehti):

- Osa tekee töitä, kun osa käy jatkuvasti tupakalla, Zyskowicz kertoo skismojen syistä.
Mitä töitä?

5 kommenttia:

Mário Nunes kirjoitti...

Kumitonttu kirjoitti...

Thank you Mario for the link. Let's put it this way; I think you must have a few hundred extra euros on your savings account. Why do you keep it in the bank, why don't you borrow it to me because I can easily find a nice way to spend it.

Mário Nunes kirjoitti...

With regard to a comment received in the previous post, which I reproduce below, I give the proper response to the letter:
"Hello Mario. I am very well aware of the history of your great nation.

I'd like to know what do you guys think of your position now. Do You Understand why Portugal is in financial crisis? What does it change if you borrows Finland 2 billion euros or not? Are not you ashamed That You Finns blame you for not borrowing money - shouldn't you be thinking of ways to balance your budget and Not Being sarcastic to other nations? "
(Signed by Kumitonttu)

First of all, I take him to tell you that most of the Portuguese began to feel that the presence of Portugal within the European Union is a nonsense. Thanks to the European Union we ran out of agriculture, industry and commerce.
In agriculture, much of our fields were abandoned - over 2 million hectares and there are still farmers who receive subsidies from Brussels to produce nothing, while others are limited by production quotas absurd.
In the industry disappear with globalization saw many factories that were relocated to other countries outside the EU
In trade, the supermarkets have taken the industry by imposing price, which completely crushed the small farmers and small traders.
Portugal is an old nation with nine centuries of existence and more than 2000 years of history (Lusitania). Faced Rome, that only the account of treason succeeded in winning. Three times defeated Napoleon, while the rest of Europe was crushed by the French army, except for Portugal, Sweden, England and Russia.
Since the discoveries that we are facing the world and not to Europe.
I can tell you that there is more to life than the European Union and most of the Portuguese began to think so. Portugal makes more sense being in a Community of Portuguese Language Countries (with Brazil, Angola and Mozambique), extended to China and India.
Finns know that China is now willing to pay the foreign debt of Portugal?
Now if the intervention of the IMF and the European Union is not approved may be called into question the existence of Europe as a community of states and the Euro itself and then we shall see the complete disintegration of the Union, which for me and many other makes no sense. It is time for each (country) go your way.
However you still want to remember that twice you're worth to you Finns, who certainly have a short memory, perhaps the victim of a strange collective amnesia. In 1940 and in the late 80's no question the Portuguese aid to Finland.
For sure there will be tides that sailors, and you never know if tomorrow you will not need help ...
It is right and know that the 2008 crisis in the U.S. may not be an excuse for everything, however, what is going on is a war of currencies, financial markets and speculation designed to destroy whole nations and companies.
After the U.S., followed by Iceland, Greece, Ireland, the Arab world, now it's time for Portugal.
It seems that things are not well in Britain, Spain, Italy and Belgium.
Tomorrow, who knows may be the time of Finland ...
Or do you not remember what happened in Iceland?

Kumitonttu kirjoitti...

Good morning Mario and thanks for the reply.

I share your thoughts about the EU. It is a gigantic bureaucratic dream-come-true, which has grown to areas it shouldn't. To me it looks like the former Soviet Union with its absurd declarations such as "EU will be the biggest strongest economy in the world by 2010" as they put in 2000 in Madrid summit... If EU cannot provide us anything else but ridiculuos statements, I guess we can use our income tax-payments in better targets.

I appreaciate the aid Portugal has given to Finland nevertheless what it consisted or the financial worth of it. It is always admirable that a poor nation like Portugal has supported Finland. What comes to China pay Portugal's foreign debt, I doubt that till the end. It sounds like a joke.

Portugal has taken too much debt and now it is the pay-back time. I don't understand why anyone can blame other people or other nations selfish or cold-hearted if they are un-willing to pay-back someone else's debts. I just cannot understand such way of thinking.

The problem in Portugal in a nut-shell is that politicians have taken debt to pamper the voters. The money-market has told the people of Portugal, that your politicians cannot handle the money - quite the opposite, all money that is given to Portugal seems to end up in projects that are unefficient economically.

In short: the problem in Portugal is not anything else but your politicians. Why do you feel I should go working, save money and give it to your politicians to help them cover the mistakes they have made?

Mário Nunes kirjoitti...

This is how my dear friend, probably both of our countries (Portugal and Finland) have lost with the entry into the European Union, we lose our independence and mortgaged our productive apparatus.
Since I already want to leave you a clarification, we have a very special relationship with China, are 500 years of common history, because of Macau, Macau was a Portuguese colony until 1999. We have centuries-old relations of friendship.
Can you say knowingly, that both China, like Brazil and Angola are willing to help Portugal out of this predicament. However you still want to clarify that there will probably macroeconomic other countries in Europe, most difficult situation of which Portugal is not spoken. However, the ECB saw no welcome the Chinese approach to Portugal.
The question is and maybe there is not spoken, the Portuguese economy is closely linked to the Spanish, if we go to the pond, then go to Spain and throughout the Hispanic world (Argentina, Mexico, Uruguay, Paraguay, ...) and things probably will not stop here ... then go to the European Union.
The situation is serious, very serious, due to market speculation, which are hyper inflate public debt interest.
Unlike the Greeks I think we'll get around we have sun and good agriculture. That has to end the subsidy dependence and each go his way. Our path has nothing to do with Europe but with Africa, South America and Asia, in short, the world.
For clarity:

A hug Portuguese